7 ways to grow healthy hair

  • March 5, 2016
7 ways to grow healthy hair - image grow-hair on https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com

My hair has always grown fast, long and healthy since birth. My mother and grandmother both have thick long hair and I have got their good genes 🙂 I don’t like to grow my hair toooo long and get it cut at mid length. Since I get a lot of queries from my readers on how to grow healthy hair, I decided to put up this post for the benefit of all looking to grow healthy hair :). Although genetic plays the MOST important role in your hair growth and health and you just cannot alter that, you can improve what you have.

Just like you have to keep working out to maintain your physique, taking care of your hair is not a one stop activity. It has to be done for as long as you want to keep your hair healthy and you have to be consistent and give it time to see results. Also, if you have serious hair fall issue check this – Hair fall : Causes and Remedies

Let’s begin!

1. Trim your split ends ASAP!

If you have split ends, get them trimmed as soon as you see them so that your hair strand doesn’t split into 2 all the way to your scalp and breaks off. If the split ends move too farther onto your scalp, your hair will look less voluminous because most of your hair strands are only half of their original thickness. So the myth that frequent haircuts will increase your hair growth is not true because growth occurs at the roots of the hair not the ends. But haircuts will prevent your split ends from thinning your hair strands. No products can treat split ends. They HAVE to be cut. Check the split ends explanation here – Curly Hair FAQ

2. Do oil massages before shampooing

Massaging improves blood circulation. The massaging stimulates your hair follicles. Oils and curly hair – Benefits, types and ways to apply. I especially love coconut oil and olive oil.

7 ways to grow healthy hair - image hair-growth-journey on https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.comMy last haircut was in August 2016

Here is an oil blend that you can use for hair loss. Source.

Mix them all and store the oil blend in an airtight container. Take 5-6 drops from this blend onto your fingers and massage into the scalp for a minimum of 2 minutes every night. A warm towel can be wrapped around the head to aid absorption of the oils.

You can also check out The Ayurveda Experience Hair Oils for hair growth here.

3. Condition!

Condition your hair every time you wash it to restore lost oils. Healthy hair will break less and will grow to your desired length. Do a deep conditioning treatment every once in a while (whenever you feel like your hair needs some serious TLC!). It could be store bought masks or something you whip up in your kitchen like an egg mask or avocado mask or a yoghurt mask. You can also try these 3 homemade deep conditioning masks for curly hair

4. Eat food rich in hair health promoting nutrients

Nutrients like biotin, Vit A, C, E, essential fatty acids and proteins are essential for hair health and growth. Read this – 4 nutrients for healthy hair

5. Avoid heat styling

Heat can cause irreversible damage to your hair after a certain point. Heat damage in curly hair

6. Sleep on a silk pillow

Silk doesn’t make hair rough causing tangles. Here’s why – Why sleeping on silk is good for curly hair

7. Detangle your hair with care

Pulling and tugging on your hair trying to remove the tangles will result in a lot of strands breaking off. 2 ways to detangle curly hair – dry and wet detangling

Like I said before, consistency with patience is the key here. You will see results soon! 🙂


Blog Comments

Hey Anjana I am not getting notification of your new post 🙁 🙁 please check

Thanks for the great post .. I was looking for this .. I want to buy silk pillow soon … 🙂 🙂

Sheetal I removed the mailing plugin because it wasn’t working fine

You could follow CBD on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest 🙂

ohhhokkkkkkkk .. Thank you 🙂

Nice article. One question – how long did it take you to achieve the length of your hair while maintaining hair health? it will be useful to know. thanks 🙂

Shivani, my hair usually grows fast thanks to my mom’s genes. I trim my hair every year or once in 6 months and my hair grows back within a year.

Hye Anjana, I wonder if I should condition my hair everyday even though that particular day I’m not shampooing or cowashing? Is it bad for my curly hair if I condition it everyday?

Some hair can take daily washing. My point is if you have to wash daily, condition daily. Never skip conditioner on wash days. Conditioning after every wash is essential, not bad 🙂 But some hair cannot take daily washing and can have hydral fatigue – hair loses elasticity and gets mushy and too soft. See if your hair likes daily washing

Hi Anjana ..
The list of oils mentioned – do we have to use all of them or just blend the oils which ever suits my hair and use it for massage ?
Sorry if the question is too silly 😅
I’ve used only coconut oil till now ..
I’m really new to the others mentioned in that list..

Best to use them all. But if that’s too much, just use whatever you can

Hi mam Mai Megha Pune se,mere hair bahot curl,hai bahot hairproblm BHI hai mere bahot hair loss hai hair short ho gaye ,growth BHI Nahi hai bhaot tension aa rha hai plzzz mam kuch tips bato mere hair growth me liye aur hair fall Kam hone or liye

This post literally says “7 ways to grow healthy hair” and you’re asking me ways to grow hair 😐

Hi anjana,
Please help me with this.
1. My hair grows pretty fast in length, I cut my hair once in 3 months. But its very thin in volume (very less number of hair on scalp). Is there anything specific I should do about it? (I already follow whats specified in this post)
2. I follow 4th method to refresh, since I must wet hair daily (married into malayali family). Wet my hair completely and apply leavein (and gel on only special occasions). Will this lead to hygral fatigue? If yes, what can I do to counter it? (Avoiding wetting my hair is never an option)

1. I only have these tips unfortunately
2. Yes, very likely. Do protein treatments often – although prevention is better than cure

Thank u, anjana 🙂

Hi dea
Do u apply this oil every night even if u r not washn ur hair next day?

I don’t apply oil regularly Rosh

Ohh i thought u apply this oil blend evry night.. my scalp is extra dry, it feel itchy if not washd for more than 2 days.any solutions for my prblm?

This is for those who have trouble growing out their hair Roshni. I don’t have an issue.
You can try cowashing https://www.curlsandbeautydiary.com/co-washing-curly-hair/

Hi, I really want to grow my hair longer, but it becomes frizzy and all of the curls start to fall out… I’ve tried a serum but it didn’t really help… Any tips??

Hi Bea, what do you mean by curls start to fall out?

My hair starts to have really loose curls and it goes frizzy. They won’t stay in for longer than a day after I have washed my hair, even though they are natural.

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